Welcome to Your FREE Organizational Dysfunction Assessment

Scale The Chaos: Is your organization in chaos? For Employees

This comprehensive assessment was created to help you identify and understand the areas of dysfunction and leadership blindspots within your organization. It is meant to be used in companion with the 'Scale The Chaos: Is my organization in chaos? For Business Leaders' assessment. Once completed, you will want to forward the results on to your organization's leadership.

It is not uncommon for business leaders to have blind spots to the dysfunctions plaguing their organization. Employees performing the day-to-day processes and tasks that produce and provide your products and services see organizational dysfunction from very different perspective than their leader(s). For this reason, we have developed this employee version of the 'Scale The Chaos: Is my organization in chaos?' assessment to help business leaders identify and address any blind spots they may have. 

The goal of this assessment is to demonstrate areas of potential blind spots and offer you actionable insights and practical recommendations that will empower you to address dysfunctions, enhance overall efficiency, and foster a more productive and harmonious work environment. This detailed report outlines the key issues faced by your organization, along with tailored recommendations for both business leaders and employees to mitigate these challenges.

This tool evaluates six critical areas:

Each section of the assessment contains targeted questions that will provide you with a thorough analysis of your organization's current state. The results highlight areas that need improvement.

Scoring Scale

Each question will be answered on a scale of 1 to 5, where:

Completing the Assessment

Receiving Your Report

Utilizing the Report