Scale The Chaos: 

Organizational Dysfunctions Sabotaging Your Ability to Scale

The Problem...

Poor operational management is among the top 5 reasons businesses fail. A business cannot operate on great ideas and opinions alone.

The Symptoms.

The Cost.

Solving these dysfunctions must start at the top. Executives and senior managers need proven organizational strategies and systems to effect real change and eradicate chaos. In this presentation, Rhonda brings it all to the table and shows you exactly how to free yourself and your organization from the chains of failure. These proven strategies organize the structure, create clear paths of communication, define expectations, and align all employees with your organization’s purpose.

With these strategies, attendees will:

The Solution.

Key Takeaways.

With these strategies, attendees will:

Freedom from the insanity. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. Chances are, that is what your organization’s management has been doing…for years. The strategies presented in this workshop are guaranteed to be different than anything you have heard or tried before. Better yet, they actually work!

With this newfound freedom comes:

Expected Results.