The Problem...

This means your business has two choices: Disrupt or BE disrupted.

Companies that do not drive industry disruptions risk disruption by other companies.

Companies that fail to adapt to industry disruptions, AT BEST, experience:


Ultimately, businesses who fail to adapt or respond to industry disruption become obsolete and fail completely. Respond too late to an industry disruption and the cost to catch up just delays the inevitable, failure.

Industry disruptors:

It is widely believed that disruption is random and unpredictable, however research shows this is not true. In this presentation, Rhonda discusses how susceptible your industry is to disruption, what factors drive industry disruption, what business leaders can do to disrupt the status quo and how to prepare for and  implement industry disruption.


Embracing dissenting viewpoints, challenging existing industry standards, and fostering a culture of innovation and change are essential in achieving and staying ahead of industry disruptions.

The Solution.

Key Takeaways:

Results You Can Expect