Attracting Abundance in Business

Overcoming Scarcity Mindset: Creating Abundance to Solve Business Challenges

Overcoming Scarcity Mindset: Creating Abundance to Solve Business Challenges

By Rhonda Lea

22 July 2024

In a series of workshops I conducted a few months ago, I encountered a recurring and troubling theme among the attendees. Each time I provided solutions to their specific business challenges, I was met with a litany of excuses. "The market is too saturated," one attendee lamented. "We don't have the budget for that," and “My boss won’t let me,” others insisted. It was clear that these individuals were not merely seeking solutions—they were entrenched in a scarcity mindset. They had already determined their problems had no solution. My heart even ached for them, wishing they could understand how they were sabotaging their own success with this mindset. But they were determined and there was no shifting their scarcity mindset. This pervasive belief that resources were limited and opportunities were scarce was inhibiting their ability to see beyond their immediate obstacles and embrace innovative solutions.


This experience was a stark reminder of how a scarcity mindset can stifle creativity and innovation, hinder growth, and prevent individuals from achieving their full potential. The way we perceive and respond to these challenges can significantly impact our success as well as that of our business.


When faced with challenges, we each have three distinct choices:

1) Fall victim to circumstances

2) Attract what you need/want

3) Create what you need/want


By understanding our choices and the impact each one has on our success or failure, we can shift our perspective from limitation to abundance, opening up a world of possibilities for solving even the most pressing business challenges.


1. Fall Victim to Circumstances


The first choice, and often the default for many, is to remain a victim to circumstances. This is the epitome of the scarcity mindset. This approach is passive acceptance of limitations and obstacles. Individuals who adopt this mindset often make excuses, blaming external factors for their lack of progress. They might say things like, "The market is too competitive," or "I don't have the resources to succeed."


While it is true that external factors can contribute to any challenge, remaining a victim to these circumstances is a choice and only serves to reinforce the scarcity mindset. It leads to a cycle of negativity, where every setback is seen as further proof that success is unattainable. This mindset can cause paralysis, preventing individuals from taking the necessary steps to overcome their challenges, thus manifesting the resource scarcity. Remaining a victim of our circumstances makes us completely powerless.


Breaking Free from Victimhood


To break free from this mindset, it is essential to recognize that while we cannot control everything, we can control our reactions and attitudes. Embracing personal responsibility and adopting a proactive approach can help shift the focus from limitations to possibilities.


2. Attract What You Need


The second choice is to attract what you need. This approach is rooted in the belief that by cultivating a positive mindset and focusing on abundance, you can draw opportunities and resources towards you. The law of attraction suggests that our thoughts and attitudes have a powerful influence on our reality. By visualizing success and maintaining a positive outlook, we can align ourselves with opportunities that match our aspirations.


Attracting what you need can also take some effort. For example, maybe you are understaffed and you need more employees. You will need to make some adjustments and increased effort to attract additional high-quality talent.


Practical Steps to Attract Abundance


1. Personal Improvement: Determine what attitudes, mindsets, or skills you need to improve or adopt in order to attract what you want. This may take some research on your part. Then work towards self-improvement through learning and practice.

2. Visualization & Positive Affirmations: There is scientific proof that affirmation (positive or negative) causes physical changes to your brain, impacting your own view of yourself. Brain studies show that visualization can have similar effects on the brain as physical experiences. Regularly visualize your desired outcomes. Imagine yourself successfully navigating challenges and achieving your objectives.

3. Network and Collaborate: Surround yourself with positive, like-minded individuals who support your goals. Networking can open doors to new opportunities and resources.


3. Create What You Need


The third and most empowering choice (my favorite) is to create what you need. This approach may be appropriate once you have attempted to attract what you need and have determined and accepted that what you need or want does, in fact, not exist. Others may choose to skip attracting and go directly to creating.


Creating what you need involves leveraging your skills, knowledge, and resources to develop innovative solutions to your challenges. Instead of waiting for opportunities to come to you, you take the initiative to create them. The irony is that once you begin to create what you need you will also begin to attract it.


This is the mindset where you outpace competitors with innovation. For me, this solution often comes from a place of stubbornness where I have been told something can’t be done. ‘Really? Wanna bet? Watch me….’ Some may find my stubbornness as a weakness, but it has served me well, many times; compelling me to find solutions I otherwise would not have been compelled to find.


Strategies for Creating Opportunities


1. Resourcefulness: Assess what you already have and find creative ways to utilize these resources. Often, solutions can be found by thinking outside the box and repurposing or reallocating existing assets.

2. Skill Development: Never stop learning. Invest in yourself by acquiring new skills and knowledge. Continuous learning can equip you with the tools needed to innovate and overcome obstacles.

3. Experimentation: Don't be afraid to take risks and experiment with new ideas. Failure is a natural part of the creative process and can provide valuable insights for future success.

4. Entrepreneurial Mindset: Adopt an entrepreneurial mindset, even within a corporate setting. Look for gaps in the market or within your organization and develop solutions that address these needs.



The scarcity mindset can be a significant barrier to achieving any kind of success. However, by choosing to break free from victimhood and attract or create what you need, you can shift your perspective from one of limitation to one of abundance. Embracing an abundance mindset not only enhances your problem-solving abilities but also opens up a world of possibilities, enabling you to navigate challenges with confidence and creativity. Remember, the power to overcome your business challenges lies within your mindset and the choices you make.

Rhonda Lea is a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, business consultant, and process expert. She is on a mission to help organizations that are struggling to scale by transforming chaos into scalable systems. She is founder of Scale The Chaos, a business consulting boutique, and author of the soon to be released book 'Scale The Chaos: Organizational Dysfunctions Sabotaging Your Ability to Scale'.